AROME (NMI)The selected variable and region is available, but not for 2024-05-28, 09:00. You will switch back to the first available time step.
ARPEGEThe selected variable and region is available, but not for 2024-05-28, 09:00. You will switch back to the first available time step. ARPEGE is the global forecast model of the French weather service (Meteo France). It is runs with a maximum resolution of approx. 7 km in Europe and mean global grid spacing of 15 km. WZ offers forecasts up to 102 hours.
HARMONIE (FMI)The selected variable and region is available, but not for 2024-05-28, 09:00. You will switch back to the first available time step. HARMONIE is a mesoscale weather prediction model managed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The data is updated 4 times a day at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC. Corresponding model runs are available roughly five hours after analysis time (~ after model run has started).
HARMONIE(ME)The selected variable and region is available, but not for 2024-05-28, 09:00. You will switch back to the first available time step.
HARMONIE (DMI)Currently selected. DMI uses and codevelops the weather model HARMONIE. The output at WZ covers Northwestern Europe. The model (cycle 43 ) uses a grid resolution of 2.5 km with boundary conditions from ECMWF.
ICONThe selected variable and region is available, but not for 2024-05-28, 09:00. You will switch back to the first available time step. ICON is the global weather forecast of the German weather service (DWD) with a grid spacing of approx. 13 km globally (Europe nest: 6 km). Model output is available up to 180 hours ahead for the 0Z and 12Z runs, and up to 120 hours for the 6Z and 18Z runs.
UKMO EUThe selected variable and region is available, but not for 2024-05-28, 09:00. You will switch back to the first available time step.
DMI uses and codevelops the weather model HARMONIE. The output at WZ covers Northwestern Europe. The model (cycle 43 ) uses a grid resolution of 2.5 km with boundary conditions from ECMWF.
1Tue 28 May 07:00
2Tue 28 May 08:00
3Tue 28 May 09:00
4Tue 28 May 10:00
5Tue 28 May 11:00
6Tue 28 May 12:00
7Tue 28 May 13:00
8Tue 28 May 14:00
9Tue 28 May 15:00
10Tue 28 May 16:00
11Tue 28 May 17:00
12Tue 28 May 18:00
13Tue 28 May 19:00
14Tue 28 May 20:00
15Tue 28 May 21:00
16Tue 28 May 22:00
17Tue 28 May 23:00
18Wed 29 May 00:00
19Wed 29 May 01:00
20Wed 29 May 02:00

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